Friday, July 16, 2010


Maaf !
kamu tidak terpilih untuk menyertai program ini.
Taniah !
kamu terpilih untuk menyertai program ini.
this all we care about today...
they hope the massage they receive is...
Maaf !
morning i still donno what's going on...
they keep pressing hand phone...some happy some cried their heart out...
after shcool i only know what's going to happen...
hurry i send a message
PLKN SEMAK then my IC number...
the massage will reply after that...
5 something i receive massage!!!
the massage is...

Maaf !

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


i just tell myself...
i'll be ok....
but lonely is the night...
lonely is the night...
although i herad Micheal Jackson's songs...
you are not alone...
but i cant touch my heart...
lonely is the night...
crying in the night...
crying on a breeze...
my heart go on and on...
out of nothing at all...